Updated March, 2019
Abbott, I. A., and G. L. Hollenberg. 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA
Algae (Third Edition)—by Linda E. Graham, James M. Graham, Lee W. Wilcox, and Martha E. Cook. ISBN 978-0-9863935-3-2 (Available only as an e-book from http://www.ljlmpress.com/algae.html. $40.
AlgaeBase. http://www.algaebase.org/ [searchable database of all seaweed species worldwide, including photographs]
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria. http://www.pnwherbaria.org/data/search.php (spatial database of herbarium specimens from many NW herbaria)
DeCew's Guide to the Seaweeds of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. University Herbarium, UC Berkeley Center For Phycological Documentation. At: http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/guide/
DNR’s Nearshore Habitat Program, Puget Sound Assessment and Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership. Publications, including kelp maps and GIS data: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/aquatics/aquatic-science
DNR’s Washington Marine Vegetation Atlas. https://www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/aquatics/aquatic-science/washington-marine-vegetation-atlas
Druehl, L. and B. Clarkston. 2016. Pacific Seaweeds: Updated and Expanded Edition. Harbour Publishing. Madiera Park, BC. 350 pp.+ illus. ISBN 13: 978-1-55017-737-4
E-Flora BC. http://www.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/eflora/algae.html (distribution maps)
Encyclopedia of Puget Sound. Seagrasses and Seaweeds of Puget Sound. http://www.eopugetsound.org/species/custom-lists/219
Gabrielson, Paul W., and Sandra C. Lindstrom. 2018. Keys to the Seaweeds and Seagrasses of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. Phycological Contribution Number 9. iv + 180 pp. Order form: https://www.zoology.ubc.ca/~biodiv/museum/herbarium/algae/2018Key9order.pdf
Hurd, C. L., P. J. Harrison, K. Bishof, and C. S. Lobban. 2014. Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press. Second Edition. xiv+551 pp. (Make sure you get the second edition. It’s relatively expensive; $70 new in paperback.)
Island County Beach Watchers. 2015. Laminated Intertidal Seaweeds and Seagrasses ID Card Set. Currently out of print. https://soundwaterstewards.org/ezidweb/ezid_cards/periwinkle.htm
Lamb, A., and B. P. Hanby. 2005. Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest. A Photographic Encyclopedia of Invertebrates, Seaweeds and Selected Fishes. Harbour Publishing. Madiera Park, BC. 398 pp. (Seaweed section and photos by Mike Hawkes)
Lee, R.E. 2018. Phycology. Cambridge University Press. Make sure to get the 5th edition- it’s substantially different/updated from earlier editions Available as hardcover, eTextbook and paperback. SBN-13: 978-1107555655 ISBN-10: 1107555655
Lindeberg, M. and S.C. Lindstrom. 2010. A field guide to Seaweeds of Alaska. Alaska Sea Grant Program. 192 pp.
Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership. Technical papers, including kelp and eelgrass VEC paper at: http://www.pugetsoundnearshore.org/technical_reports.html
Scagel, R.F. 1971. Guide to Common Seaweeds of British Columbia. Handbook No. 237, British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, BC
Seaweed Site. http://www.seaweed.ie/ [THE seaweed portal and center for information]
“Seaweed Sorter” app for the NE Pacific by Patrick Martone, UBC. $3.99. IOS and Android https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/seaweed-sorter/id1141691364
Seaweeds of Alaska. http://www.seaweedsofalaska.com/links.asp Online version of Lindberg’s book ot the same title.
SoundIQ. GIS database of northern Puget Sound resources. Project of The Northwest Straits Commission. https://www.iqmap.org/geviewer/Html5Viewer/Index.html?viewer=SoundIQ
Thomas, D. 2002. Seaweeds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 96 pp.
University of British Columbia Herbarium http://bridge.botany.ubc.ca/herbarium/search.php?db=ubcalgae.fmp12 (searchable database, distribution maps)
Older Books that are excellent resources:
Fritsch F. E. 1935-45. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. v. 1. Introduction, Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, colorous Flagellata. v. 2. Foreword, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Myxophyceae. New York, Macmillan Co., Cambridge, Eng., University Press. . (available for $1 each from Abe Books!)
Bold, H. C. and M. J. Wynne 1985. Introduction to the Algae: Structure and Reproduction. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall. (available for $4 from Abe Books!)
Lee, R. E. 1989. Phycology. Cambridge, New York. Cambridge University Press.
Phycological journals
Journal of Phycology http://www.psaalgae.org/journal-of-phycology/
Journal of Applied Phycology http://link.springer.com/journal/10811
Phycologia http://www.phycologia.org/?code=iphy-site (International Phycological Society)
Botanica Marina https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/botm
Algae http://www.e-algae.org (Korean Society of Phycology)
Phycological Research http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1440-1835 (Japanese Phycological Society)
European Journal of Phycology http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tejp20
Algological Studies, International Journal of Phycological Research http://www.schweizerbart.de/journals/algol_stud
Algal Research: Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/algal-research
Cryptogamie Algologie http://www.cryptogamie.com/pagint_en/recherche/affich_sommaire.php?cnumero=133
Abbott, I. A., and G. L. Hollenberg. 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA
Algae (Third Edition)—by Linda E. Graham, James M. Graham, Lee W. Wilcox, and Martha E. Cook. ISBN 978-0-9863935-3-2 (Available only as an e-book from http://www.ljlmpress.com/algae.html. $40.
AlgaeBase. http://www.algaebase.org/ [searchable database of all seaweed species worldwide, including photographs]
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria. http://www.pnwherbaria.org/data/search.php (spatial database of herbarium specimens from many NW herbaria)
DeCew's Guide to the Seaweeds of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. University Herbarium, UC Berkeley Center For Phycological Documentation. At: http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/guide/
DNR’s Nearshore Habitat Program, Puget Sound Assessment and Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership. Publications, including kelp maps and GIS data: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/aquatics/aquatic-science
DNR’s Washington Marine Vegetation Atlas. https://www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/aquatics/aquatic-science/washington-marine-vegetation-atlas
Druehl, L. and B. Clarkston. 2016. Pacific Seaweeds: Updated and Expanded Edition. Harbour Publishing. Madiera Park, BC. 350 pp.+ illus. ISBN 13: 978-1-55017-737-4
E-Flora BC. http://www.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/eflora/algae.html (distribution maps)
Encyclopedia of Puget Sound. Seagrasses and Seaweeds of Puget Sound. http://www.eopugetsound.org/species/custom-lists/219
Gabrielson, Paul W., and Sandra C. Lindstrom. 2018. Keys to the Seaweeds and Seagrasses of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. Phycological Contribution Number 9. iv + 180 pp. Order form: https://www.zoology.ubc.ca/~biodiv/museum/herbarium/algae/2018Key9order.pdf
Hurd, C. L., P. J. Harrison, K. Bishof, and C. S. Lobban. 2014. Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press. Second Edition. xiv+551 pp. (Make sure you get the second edition. It’s relatively expensive; $70 new in paperback.)
Island County Beach Watchers. 2015. Laminated Intertidal Seaweeds and Seagrasses ID Card Set. Currently out of print. https://soundwaterstewards.org/ezidweb/ezid_cards/periwinkle.htm
Lamb, A., and B. P. Hanby. 2005. Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest. A Photographic Encyclopedia of Invertebrates, Seaweeds and Selected Fishes. Harbour Publishing. Madiera Park, BC. 398 pp. (Seaweed section and photos by Mike Hawkes)
Lee, R.E. 2018. Phycology. Cambridge University Press. Make sure to get the 5th edition- it’s substantially different/updated from earlier editions Available as hardcover, eTextbook and paperback. SBN-13: 978-1107555655 ISBN-10: 1107555655
Lindeberg, M. and S.C. Lindstrom. 2010. A field guide to Seaweeds of Alaska. Alaska Sea Grant Program. 192 pp.
Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership. Technical papers, including kelp and eelgrass VEC paper at: http://www.pugetsoundnearshore.org/technical_reports.html
Scagel, R.F. 1971. Guide to Common Seaweeds of British Columbia. Handbook No. 237, British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, BC
Seaweed Site. http://www.seaweed.ie/ [THE seaweed portal and center for information]
“Seaweed Sorter” app for the NE Pacific by Patrick Martone, UBC. $3.99. IOS and Android https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/seaweed-sorter/id1141691364
Seaweeds of Alaska. http://www.seaweedsofalaska.com/links.asp Online version of Lindberg’s book ot the same title.
SoundIQ. GIS database of northern Puget Sound resources. Project of The Northwest Straits Commission. https://www.iqmap.org/geviewer/Html5Viewer/Index.html?viewer=SoundIQ
Thomas, D. 2002. Seaweeds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 96 pp.
University of British Columbia Herbarium http://bridge.botany.ubc.ca/herbarium/search.php?db=ubcalgae.fmp12 (searchable database, distribution maps)
Older Books that are excellent resources:
Fritsch F. E. 1935-45. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. v. 1. Introduction, Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, colorous Flagellata. v. 2. Foreword, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Myxophyceae. New York, Macmillan Co., Cambridge, Eng., University Press. . (available for $1 each from Abe Books!)
Bold, H. C. and M. J. Wynne 1985. Introduction to the Algae: Structure and Reproduction. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall. (available for $4 from Abe Books!)
Lee, R. E. 1989. Phycology. Cambridge, New York. Cambridge University Press.
Phycological journals
Journal of Phycology http://www.psaalgae.org/journal-of-phycology/
Journal of Applied Phycology http://link.springer.com/journal/10811
Phycologia http://www.phycologia.org/?code=iphy-site (International Phycological Society)
Botanica Marina https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/botm
Algae http://www.e-algae.org (Korean Society of Phycology)
Phycological Research http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1440-1835 (Japanese Phycological Society)
European Journal of Phycology http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tejp20
Algological Studies, International Journal of Phycological Research http://www.schweizerbart.de/journals/algol_stud
Algal Research: Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/algal-research
Cryptogamie Algologie http://www.cryptogamie.com/pagint_en/recherche/affich_sommaire.php?cnumero=133